Showing 1–12 of 18 results

Almola Kızar

2013 graduate of Eastern Mediterranean University. Divorce, Inheritance, Family, Law, Administrative law, Banking and Finance Law, Insurance Law, Contracts, Immovable


ARDA AKTAŞ Address: 15 August Boulevard, No:16/A, Baykal, Famagusta. Email: Phone: 0533 862 43 59 I am a graduate

Ayṣe Pit

Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi 2019 Mezunu.
Miranka Investment ve Av. Bedriye Tuzlalıoğlu Abakan Hukuk Bürosunda Avukat.
Sözleṣmeler hukuku, Aile Hukuku(Miras, Veraset) Taṣınmaz mal hukuku, Bankacılık Hukuku, Ceza Hukuku.


AYŞENUR EGELİ Lawyer / L.L.B Famagusta/TRNC ( +90-5428822435 ) -Being good is easy, what is difficult is being just.

Bedriye Tuzlalıoğlu Abakan

Bedriye Tuzlalıoğlu Abakan

Eastern Mediterranean University 2008 Law Graduate.
Anadolu University, management information systems department graduate in 2023
Miranka İnvestment and Av.bedriye Tuzlalıoğlu Abakan legal consultancy office owner

Forensic Science Specialist
IT Law
Personal Data Protection Law
Former member of the Personal Data Protection Board
His works:
Privacy Policy
Clarification Text
All contracts that can be made regarding IT (Website contract, application/application contract, etc.)
Permission to purchase immovable property (All transactions regarding the purchase of immovable property.)
Residence permit
Contract preparation
Company legal consultancy
Real estate consultancy
Criminal law
Family law
Inheritance law
Labor law

Miranka Investment and Av. Bedriye Tuzlalıoğlu at Abakan Law Firm
Contract law, Family Law (Inheritance, Inheritance), Real estate law, Banking Law, Criminal Law.

emre oras

Emre Oras 19/06/1984 Avukat , 61.Tasdik Memuru Kıbrıs, Gazimağusa   +905338753368 EXPERIENCE 09.2021- 2022 Bilgehan Hukuk Ofisi –

Gizem Onbaṣı

I am a graduate of Eastern Mediterranean University Faculty of Law. I can look at family law, criminal law and

Göz kremi

Original price was: 260.00 ₺.Current price is: 250.00 ₺.
  • Dahili hafıza: 128 GB Ekran boyutu aralığı: 6,0 inç ve daha büyük İletişim ağları: 4G, 3G, 2G

Hayriye Emiroğlu

– estate transactions -Company founding -Glems related to the acquisition of property by foreigners – crazy in title deeds –

Kezban Aksu

• Intern Lawyer at Bilgehan Law and Legal Consultancy Office (Atty. Orhan Z. Bilgehan and Atty. Tağmaç Bilgehan) (13.08.2018-15.08.2019) • Adv. Alper Dede Law Office (19.08.2019-01.04.2020) • Adv. Nazenin Taşcıoğlu Şahali Law Office (01.07.2020-01.12.2020) • Adv. Kezban Aksu Law Office (01.01.2021-Present) – Address: İsmet İnönü Boulevard (Salamis Road), Abdullahoğlu Apartmanı, Shop No.3, Famagusta. High school: Famagusta Turkish Maarif College (2010-2014) University: Eastern Mediterranean University Faculty of Law (2014-2018) Master's Degree: Eastern Mediterranean University Faculty of Law (2020-present) FOREIGN LANGUAGE AND LEVEL: English: Good Level Legal English: Good Level COURSES AND CERTIFICATES: • Starters (Cambridge Young Learners English Tests)(2007): Excellent • Girne American University Story Writing Competition Second Place (2011) • Workshop on 'Euthanasia' (2013) • Conference on the Rule of Law and the Independence of the Judiciary (2014) • Pearson EMU Legal English 2 (2016) • Symposium on Freedom of Expression in National and International Law (2016) • Eastern Mediterranean University Faculty of Law Honorary Certificate (2016-2017) • Forensic Medicine Seminar with Current Cases (2017) • Gender Equality: Violence Against Women/Domestic Violence and Law Seminars (13 Seminars in Total – 26 hours) (2017-2018) • Certificate of Appreciation for EMU Law Club Vice President and Board Membership (2017-2018) • Children's Rights Symposium in Different Dimensions (2018) • Bar Association and Law Profession Conference in TRNC and Republic of Turkey (2018) • Asylum Training/Conference in European Law and International Law (2018) • TOLES (International Legal Skills Examination) – Foundation Exam: Very Good (2018) + EMU 192-hour TOLES Foundation Program: Excellent • Gender Equality: Violence Against Women/Domestic Violence and Law

Melek Smartoglu Uygur

Personal Information; Name:  Melek Surname: Hakkıoğlu Uygur Address: Döveç Trio Apartmanları, 27.Blok, No.9, Famagusta. Email: Phone: 0533 836 44

Munire Dalar

She has been working as an executive at Dağlar Law Firm, which is still a family company, since 2002. “She