
New Residency Regulations in Northern Cyprus (2024)

In Northern Cyprus, the regulations concerning residency, rental, and property purchase are outlined as follows:

  1. Residency in Northern Cyprus

1.1. Temporary Residency

To obtain temporary residency in Northern Cyprus, you need a visa or a specific residency permit. Tourist visas are generally issued for short stays, and for longer stays, you must apply for a residency permit. Common ways to obtain temporary residency include:

– Educational: If you intend to study at universities or schools in Northern Cyprus, you can enter with a student visa and then apply for a residency permit.

– Employment: If you have a job offer from an employer in Northern Cyprus, you can apply for an employment residency permit.

– Asylum: If you seek asylum for humanitarian or political reasons, you might be eligible for permanent residency.

1.2. One-Year Temporary Residency Through Property Purchase

To receive a one-year temporary residency permit through property purchase, you must buy property of a certain value in Northern Cyprus. The property deed must be registered in your name and presented to the immigration office. After purchasing the property and obtaining the deed, you should submit a temporary residency application. This application may include financial and employment documents. Processing the application can take several weeks to months and includes administrative and property-related costs.

Conditions and Extension of Temporary Residency: A one-year temporary residency is generally extendable, but you must meet specific conditions and may need to provide additional documents for renewal. There may also be restrictions on employment and social activities during temporary residency.

  1. Renting Property in Northern Cyprus

To rent a property, you can use local real estate websites, agencies, or newspaper ads. Rental agreements are usually for one year and include rent and a security deposit. The contract terms cover repairs, financial responsibilities, and the rules regarding the end of the lease.

  1. Buying Property in Northern Cyprus

3.1. Property Purchase Steps

– Search and Selection: First, find a property that fits your budget and needs.

– Legal Review: Verify the property’s legal status with a local lawyer to ensure there are no legal issues.

– Contract Signing: After selecting the property, sign the purchase agreement, and payments are usually made in installments as per the contract.

– Property Registration: Once full payment is made, the property must be registered in your name, typically through official deed offices.


3.2. Purchase Costs

The costs of buying property include legal fees (lawyer, property registration, taxes) and additional costs (utilities, insurance, and maintenance).

Financial Conditions for Residency: To obtain residency through property purchase, you must buy property of a specified value and demonstrate financial ability. You need savings equivalent to 12 times the minimum monthly wage (approximately 37,800 Turkish Lira). If only one-third of the property’s price is paid and the remainder is in installments, you must prove your financial capability to continue payments.

Residency for Property Buyers’ Parents: To get family residency for parents, you need to provide financial documents and proof of financial dependency on the child. This type of residency applies to immediate family members of the property buyer (spouse and children under 18 years).

Criminal Offenses and Residency Cancellation: Residency can be canceled if immigration laws are violated, health insurance is not renewed, or false or incomplete information is provided. Serious crimes can also lead to residency cancellation.

Alternative Residency Options: If you cannot purchase property, you can use other methods such as proving stable income or obtaining a work permit for temporary or permanent residency.


Property Purchase Limits and Residency

– Number of Buyers: In Northern Cyprus, two people can receive residency through purchasing a single property. Both must have official ownership of the property and apply for residency separately.

– Size Limitation: The property must be at least 17 square meters and suitable for residential use.

– Temporary Residency for Parents: Parents of property owners cannot directly benefit from their child’s property residency but may obtain temporary residency with financial documents and proof of dependency.

– Travel to European Countries: Northern Cyprus residency alone does not permit travel to EU countries. To travel to European countries, a Schengen visa from an EU member state is required.

Visa Status for European Countries: Students who have studied in Northern Cyprus often have a better chance of obtaining a visa for European countries due to their valid academic credentials and international experience. This advantage is due to collaborations between Northern Cypriot universities and European universities and financial stability.

Note: The likelihood of obtaining a visa for students from Northern Cyprus is higher, but it still depends on individual circumstances and thorough review by embassies.

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